Cognitive Science
Introduction and Debate
Cognitive Cultural Studies
    (revised 2 August 2002)
"There is no way to avoid having philosophical preconceptions; the only option is whether to examine them explicitly and carefully at some point in one's endeavors."
Daniel Dennett (1987)

"Oh, the disgrace of nature! Oh, the confusion of humanity! which makes it that a man cannot be free without being a criminal. Must he be rendered a slave in order to be virtuous? Yes, my brothers, that is our condition; our passions require laws, our unjust and reckless desires must be restrained."

Éloge de la Maçonnerie et des Maçons; prononcé par un Frère dans une Loge qui se tint à Paris le 25 Novembre 1744, p. 11. Anonymous tract. From Jacob, Margaret C. Living the Enlightenment. New York, NY: OUP, 1991. Jacob's translation, p. 6.


Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science
GlossaryCogWebCognitive ScienceEvolutionary PsychologyCognitive Cultural StudiesBibliography © 2001 Francis F. Steen, Communication Studies, University of California, Los Angeles