Bednarik, Robert G.
Concept-mediated marking in the lower palaeolithic
Current Anthropology 36. 4 (August-Oct, 1995): 605 (30 pages)

Anthropologists are focusing more attention on the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition. The Lower Palaeolithic evidence provides observers a study on the cognitive and technological capacities of early hominids. There appears no sign of abrupt transitions between Palaeolithic phases. It is possible that a more gradual evolution of cognitive abilities evolved which started with the Lower Palaeolithic phase.


Steven Mithen
On Early Paleolithic 'concept-mediated marks,' mental modularity, and the origins of art
Current Anthropology 37. 4 (August-Oct, 1996):666 (5 pages).

R.G. Bednarik erroneously assumed that realistic debate on early human hominid recognition is impossible. Paleolithic archeologists have identified the complexity of the Middle/Upper Paleolithic transition. Bednarik also believed that the Bilzingsleben bones have symbolic significance, however, his proof and descriptions of the artifacts was inaccurate and exaggerated. Furthermore, the complex cognitive behavior of early hominids was also exhibited in their tool making, foraging and social interaction.






Maintained by Francis F. Steen, Communication Studies, University of California Los Angeles
