Jolly Blades that Inhabit the Town,
And with the fair Sex
are contriving,
From the Gay Fop, to the hone・
bーed Clown,
be advis'd
to reバlve again・ Wiving ;
Let not a pーoパect of Pleaブre
where バ
many Plagues are attending,
Foー 'tis the Nature of Wives
to Obtrude,
and Miテries
heap without ending.
Fir・, have a care of the Lady
who exclaims
again・ Drinking and Roaring,
That pーivately turns up the
White of her Eyes
and in publick
abominates Whoーing
But if you Coach her a mile
out of Town
and quote
her but Solomon's
Vices ;
With a ネight trip you may
tumble her down,
though テeming
ドe mode・ly nice is.
Let no City-Girl your freedom
ドee'l cheat
you with mode・ behaviour,
Who ナts like a Rabbit tru・
up foー to boil,
and ヘears
ドe's a Maid by her Saviour :
But if you cunningly manage
your Plot,
you'l quickly
be admitted under ;
Her coy behaviour will バon
be foーgot,
ドee'l bーeath
out her Soul in a ネumber.
The Widdow avoid where Pollicy
to act by her Conツience
That's black as the Devil and
large as a Turk's
ドee'l teaテ
you to Death with her Nonテnテ :
But if you love her and long
foー a Bout,
you ne'r
mu・ ・and mincing the matter,
Bーuド her with Jollitry bーiヌly
and down
with your Bーitches and at her.
Let not the Country wench that
is coy,
into your favour
Foー when ドe knows what it
is to enjoy
ドe quickly
will change her behaviour :
Turn an inヂtiate Miピ of the
to purchaテ
Gallants ドee'l endeavour ;
Pawn from her Carcaテ her Paragon
to maintain
the curteous Pleaブre.
But if your Vigoー a Wife doth
and will not admit
of foーbearing ;
Any may テrve foー to quench
your deナre,
the's no Barrel
the better Herring.
When you have ty'd the true
Lovers Knot
'tis one of the
Curテs depending
To Father a bーood you never
half got,
without any further
When the Wifes bーought a Bed,
lea・ the Cucko grow in,
the Midwife ドe
makes an Oration,
And cryes the pooー Infant is
バ like the Dad
'tis woーthy of
your Obテrvation ;
Whil・ the good Woman is pleaテd
in her heart
to hear them バ
Err in their chatting,
Knowing her Huッand and ドe
was a-part
when Bully,
the Boy was a getting.
Now how to avoid バ heavy a
I do like a Bーother
adviテ ye,
Never to take her foー better
foー woーテ,
if you do, by
my troth you'r a Niテy,
Foー you without may get her
and ne'r make
half that Puther
Then when ドe's falテ, oー her
Poーtion is パent
you may change
and make choice of another.