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Mayan proverbs
Collected and translated into Spanish by Feliciano P. Eberardo
English translations from Spanish by Carl Rubino
[The character × is used for x diaeresis (x with two dots above it).]
Nya b’a’n tu’n tchub’ key toj b’e, ku’n nlay ch’iyl twey.
It’s not good that you sit on the road because you will no longer grow.
[Children sitting on the road alone can be kidnapped]
Nya b’a’n tu’n tjax tk’on chi’l toj twiy, ku’n b’e’x ch’ajila tu’n tx’yan.
It’s not wise to put a basket on your head as you will be eaten by a dog.
[He who walks without looking will fall into trouble]
Nya b’a’n tu’n cyoc tk’on xjab’, mo tu’n tjax tk’on cysambrel xjal toj twij,
ku’n b’e’x ctzajil xcyaklinchej ti’ja.
It is not good to wear foreign hats or caites because then you’ll suffer
Nya b’a’n tu’n tcub’ neje, ex tu’n tcyija cyi’jxjal, aj toc ten b’etil ku’n
b’e’x chi xjetw’elix timi× a mo tjosa.
It is not good to go forward and back while walking because this will cause
abnormalities in your breasts (women) or testicles (men).
Nya b’a’n tu’n tjax key cyib’aj k’ok’, ku’n b’e’x cyjel× pise t× o’pe te
jun majx.
It is not good to sit on pumpkins, because your rump will freeze up for good.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi tyec’in t-xew can, ku’n b’e’x ck’ayjil twi’ tk’ob’a.
It is not good to point at a rainbow or your finger will rot.
Nya b’a’n tu’n tjaw tsolin twutz wab’j, ku’n b’e’x ctzajil× wab’j twutza.
It is not good to remove the first layer of the tortillas, or pimples will appear
on your face.
Nya b’a’n tu’n tel tlek’in ti’j pac’, ku’n b’e’x cyelil× cantalek’e.
It is not good to lick the spoon or you will become a gossipmonger.
Nya b’a’n tu’n twa’n toj chuj, ku’n b’e’x cy-elil chuj tc’u’ja.
It is not good to eat in the bath or your stomach will grow that size.
Nya b’a’n tu’n toc amle ti’ja, ku’n b’e’x cy-elil× miley.
It is not good that you wear a skirt if you are a male unless you want to menstruate.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi tca’yin muj ku’n nlayx b’et tak’in.
It is not good to look at the clouds or your work will not progress.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi tcho’n tkan ecy’, ku’n b’e’x cy-elil xc’ota.
It is not good to eat hen’s legs or you will become a slow worker.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi t-xon tsmal twiy, t-xcy’aka, mo tstey, ku’n ka mina×
i jet aj tcyima, ocx cok’ila cyi’j.
It is not good to throw away your hair, fingernails or teeth because if you
don’t find them upon your death, you will regret it.
Nya b’a’n tu’n tnicy’in yol mo tu’n t-xi tewin jun ti’la cywutz ttijila,
ku’n nokx ti’la c-ocila k’o’niy.
It is not good to lie or hide anything from your parents because you don’t know
what they will change into.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi tewin chib’aj cye tuliy, ku’n ajo chib’aj b’e’x cy-elil×
It is not good to hide good food from visitors because it will turn into worms.
Nya b’a’n tu’n tcy’ajin aj t-xiy awil cjo’n, ku’n coxke jal cchi elil.
It is not good to show laziness on sowing cornfields because the ears of corn
will end up twisted.
Nya b’a’n tu’n ttzaj tcy’aja aj t-xiy si’wil, ku’n b’e’x cjawil pac’chaje.
It’s not good to be lazy when bringing in firewood or you’ll fall.
Nya b’a’n tu’n ttzaj tcy’aja aj t-xiy si’wil, ku’n b’e’x cjawil pac’chaje.
It is not good (for a pregnant lady) to put a comb in the folds of her skirt
because her child's teeth will end up crooked.
Nya b’a’n tu’n cycub’ tajlan tal k’ak, ku’n a’lix taljiy tzul.
It is not good to count matches because if there are many that is how many children
you will have. [Counting matches is also a waste of time]
Nya b’a’n tu’n ticy’x lipin jun txin tib’aj jun k’a, ku’n b’e’x c-elel sna’cjo
k’a anetzi’n.
It is not good for a girl to pass over a boy, because this will be useless.
Nya b’a’n tu’n toc tjemin jun tx’yan, ku’n nlay mojin tuc’iy aj ticy’x k’on
tib’aj k’ak’.
It is not good to hit a dog because it will no longer help you in case you need
to pass the flames of a fire.
Nya b’a’n tu’n mina t-xi koyin ch’in ti’le cye ktata, nokx si’s c-ocil pukle
ku’j, aj kcyim.
It is not good to deny anything to your parents because at the end of our life
we will suffer hen ticks.
Eberardo, Feliciano P. (1991). "Dichos en el idioma maya-mam de Guatemala como una estrategia para la transmision de valores." Past, Present, and Future: Selected Papers on Latin American Indian Literatures. Ed. Mary H. Preuss. Culver City, CA: Labyrinthos, pp. 27-29.
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