N E W V I S I O N O F T H E L A D Y Gr----s,
Concerning her Sister, the
Lady H E N R I E T T A B E R K E L E Y.
In a Letter to Madam Fan--------Madam ,
Et Miracles be ceas'd, Heav'n has still preserv'd a way to Reveal its Mysteries to the Faithful. Let Divines and Phylosophers say what they will of Oracles and Witches, they shall never beat out of my Brains the Doctrine of Spirits and Visions. Was not Willmore Convicted for a Kidnapper? and was not my own Sister but Spirited away t'other Day? Either you must allow there are Spirits, or a Transmigration, which is more absur'd, and that her Soul is transform'd into some other Beast or Foul, for in her own likeness she is not to be found. I have had (Madam) so many Visions upon this occasion, that I protest I cannot tell which to begin with.
T'other Day coming from the Spanish Fryar, as soon as I lay me down, I dream't, that the Amourous Collonel was my Husband, and out of meer kindness, because he cou'd never have enough of me, ran away with my own Sister ; but this being but an Idea of what had been represented, working upon my Fancy, I took no more notice of it.
I had scarce fall'n into another Slumber, but going through a vast Forest, I saw methought another Vision, and Lo! there appeared unto me a young Dow catch'd in the Toils in a Thicket, where none cou'd find her out, and the Keeper a Prisoner in the Lodge for Decoying her from the Herd, and singling her out for his own use. I made hast to get her out, when behold the Vision vanish'd, and no Track or Resemblance of her left behind. This startled me the more, and made me give more Credit to the Vision, who waking, I found my Sister was to be found no where, and my Husband in a Goal.
The next Night coming from an Entertainment in the Land of Promise, which the Tories call Whigland, I had no sooner laid me down upon my Pillow, but straight (methought) my Genius appear'd, nay, tho' I were dead asleep, this Prophet by laying Mouth to Mouth, Breast to Breast, Thigh to Thigh, and Foot to Foot, wou'd even raise me to new Life.
This was once the Guardian Genius of the Kingdom, that Inspir'd the Court as well as the Country, but now he has taken up with the Mobile, filling them with strange Notions, Whimsies and Chimeras, and now and then takes a Sally amongst his Petticoat Friends, where (in spite of all Lineal Right or Succession to the throne of Love, or the Nation) he Reigns Absolute Monarch, and no doubt his Soveraignty would be boundless, if he were not govern'd by another Armstrong, or rather Headstrong, Genius, that leads him about as the Vinegar-man does his Ass, by the Nose, crying Liberty Three Pence a Pint, and like the Dog in the Fable, makes him drop his Substance for the Shadow.
This Genius of a Genious, but to me my better Angel, finding the Anguish of my heart, who had often div'd into the bottom of it; come, said he, (my Dear) I know thy Trouble, follow me and I will shew thee thy Sister. Being overjoy'd, (methought) I rose and follow'd him, being led by a Star, which like a Dark-Lanthorn he always carry'd before him. After he had led me through several green Midows, Orchards and Inclosures, we came at last to a deep Cave, which was inaccessible by any Mortal, for no Man cou'd yet find the way to it.
Here appeared unto me another Vision, A Red Cow, and a Gray Bull, of the delicatest shape, and the finest stateliest Horns as ever adorn'd Brow. Bless me! (said I) what's here? Jupiter and JO. no said my Genius, 'tis your Sister, and a Friend of yours. My Sister! said I, with that I made up to them, and though I love Red Cows Milk naturally, I had a greater Longing to stroak the Bull, but she had been there before, and now making up nearer, the better to discern them, they unanimously fell upon me on either side, Goreing me with their Horns, with the fright of which I awaked. But Reading the Story of Europa and the Bull, the Day before, in Sandys's Metamorphosis, I minded it no further.
The Third Night coming from a friendly Meeting in the same place, inspir'd with Love and an Evening Lecture, I return'd home, my kind Genius being still at my Elbow, I had much adoe to forbear sleeping in my Coach. I had no sooner got to Bed, but my nimble Mercury, my ingenious Genius who was always Gentleman-Usher to my Fancy, had got there before me, cutting Capers over my Pillow, and Charming me as before, to a new Life, methought I found my self in a new World of Pleasures, and indeed so it was, for methought I was in Fairy-Land and saw a new Vision, my Sister with Oberon sitting, like Queen Mabb, in a Tulip-stalk, with a Glo-worm for their Footstool, feeding on Philters and Love Powders. Bless me! said I, what is my Sister turn'd Queen of the Fairies? yes said my Genius, and Oberon has put the Changling upon your Husband, for whoever has her in keeping he must find her out. So I awaked.
L O N D O N, Printed for J. Smith, 1682.