New Journal
Psychology, Evolution and Gender
London: Routledge

The idea behind this new journal is to advance the application of psychological knowledge at its interface with gender through developing critical perspectives on traditional psychology - trying challenge the academic impasse which stifles debate between feminist psychologists and evolutionary psychologists.

We are hoping to stimulate discussion between psychology and other related disciplines, and will include contributions from a range of perspectives looking at an equally wide range of topics. The first issue will come out in May and includes the following papers:

A. Campbell - Gender, Evolution and Psychology: nine feminist concerns addressed.

J. McKnight - On the minimum standards of argument a Darwinian would expect of socially constructed, postmodern and/or feminist gender theories.

P.Y.L.Choi - Masculine domains of hunting and sport: androcentrism in theories of evolution and sport.

L.Gannon - A common ground for feminism and evolution.

Issue 3 (December) will be a themed issue on the subject of beauty - those of you researching in this area may wish to contribute to this issue. Future issues will include articles on music and gender, bisexuality, biology in the courtroom, and could include such topics as the fatherhood, gender and the expression of emotions, gender and health. As you can see, we have quite a wide area of interest.

Those of you who have a suggestion for a theme or who wish to submit papers should send them to:

Dr. P. Nicolson
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

Each issue will be fully peer refereed and contain academic papers, commentaries and book and journal reviews. Submissions should be in English, typed on one side of A4 (or its US equivalent) and double spaced.

Subscription information can be obtained by contacting

A free sample copy can be obtained from


For further questions, please contact:

Dr. Sue Thorpe
Oxford University
Department of Psychiatry
Warneford Hospital
Oxford OX3 7JX
email :

and :

University of Greenwich
School of Social Sciences
Avery Hill Road
email :